Using AI can simplify your life in so many ways. With so much out there it can be hard to know where to get started. On this page I’ll be sharing AI resources, what I’ve used them for, and my thoughts about them. Tips and tricks coming soon!

My Favorite Tools

For Job Seekers: Jobalytics plugin will review the job opportunity you’ve got open on your browser against a resume that you load to the tool and tell you how closely you align. Then it will provide keywords you could add to your resume to boost your chances of getting through the applicant tracking system (ATS). I load different resumes until I get a 50% score or above.

Overall: I use the following tools every day. Whether I am asking for help writing a blog, prepping for an interview, creating an image, mapping out my roadtrip, or gathering information these are great.

Slide Creation: Whether you want a simple slides or very image heavy slides, there are AI tools that can help.

From the creator and my friend Aaron Kraus: “When you create presentations with Simple Slides, now you can see how many views your presentations are getting (with some handy filtering options too).

Things that you **won't** get are insights into your users' privacy - like location or demographic data. None of Simple Slides' analytics depend on any of that; the only thing tracked is that a presentation was viewed by some random session id (so we can show unique views). If you need more specifics, maybe this isn't the right platform for you 😂. I mean, "simple" is in the name, right?”

In a total of FIVE MINUTES, I discovered Gamma, created a sign in, added my prompt, selected a template, and received 10 free slides! This is the opposite of Simple Slides. These are very heavily produced with color, fancy font, and imagery.

In the example below, I replaced the image Gamma produced with an image that better aligned to my brand (which I created on Microsoft Designer), the specific copy I needed for the slide and my logo.

What I loved was the Gamma provided layout, font sizing, spacing, and colors that made the slide visually interesting.

Additional resources and examples of simple ways to use AI