Creating My Perfect Job: A Reverse Job Posting Adventure

I shaped my last two positions and was on a path to making a company-wide impact in the perfect job for me. It began with a digital transformation strategy role that influenced 80 people, grew to 500, and was scaling up with executive support to reach 125,000. Then, on a random Tuesday, I was swept up in the mass tech layoffs.

After months of applying for roles with job descriptions that were close but never quite captured my unique value, it hit me: I have a future-forward skillset that employers don’t even know they need—yet.

That’s when inspiration struck: why not create a reverse job posting?

My goal was to craft a dream job description that might spark a realization in someone that they need exactly my skillset to elevate their company. If you’re a job seeker, I highly encourage you to try this exercise. It’s an empowering way to highlight your strengths and align them with the role you truly want. Here’s how you can create your own aspirational job description in 15 minutes or less with AI help.

Step 1: Gather What Excites You

Look at the jobs you’ve been applying for, and copy any part of the job description that excites you. Paste it into a Word document and categorize it into sections such as Position Summary, What You Will Do, Minimum Qualifications, Salary Range, Company Culture & Benefits, etc. You can add anything else that’s important to you from job descriptions you’ve seen.

Step 2: Enlist AI Assistance

Take your drafted job description and your resume, then input them into your AI tool of choice like Copilot, ChatGPT, or Gemini.

  • Prompt 1: “I want to create a dream job description. I found/created one that is nearly perfect for me, but I need you to update it for [insert reasons why it’s not 100% perfect]. Use my resume to help fill in some of the details.” Be sure to include the job description and your resume.

Step 3: Leverage Your References

Gather your references from LinkedIn or other sources, then paste them into your AI tool.

  • Prompt 2: “Summarize my references.” Include all of them to give the AI a comprehensive picture of what others say about your work.

Step 4: Edit for Your Perfect Role

Review the AI-generated job description. This is YOUR dream job, so if you come across any responsibilities that make you think, “I’ve done that before, and I really didn’t enjoy it,” delete those sections! Focus on shaping a role that aligns with what you love doing.

Step 5: Personalize Your Job Description

Finalize your dream job description by combining the edited draft with your summarized referrals. This step makes the role uniquely yours.

  • Prompt 3: “Update my ideal job opportunity using the feedback from my references to make it the perfect fit for me.” Include the edited draft from Prompt 1/Step 4 and the summarized references from Prompt 2/Step 3.

Step 6: Share It With Your Network

After a final review, share your perfect job description with your connections! You never know who might see it and realize they’ve been looking for someone just like you. I included this note:

“Think of this as a sneak peek into my dream job—a role I’d love to dive into! While this position may be aspirational and not exist just yet at your company, it reflects the work I’ve been doing for many years, the value I offer and the skills I’m passionate about. And don’t worry, all the details—responsibilities, salary, and benefits—are totally negotiable.

If something in this description sparks an idea or makes you think, “We could really use someone like that,” let’s chat! I’m excited to hear how we can create something amazing together!

Final Pro Tip: Skip the job title. Every company will have a different name for the role you’re describing. Let them use their imagination and envision you in the position. They’ll tell you what the title should be!

Wishing you the best! - Misty


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